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02d: 17h:06m
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02d: 17h:06m
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02d: 17h:06m
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02d: 17h:06m
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Personal Trainer W/ 0 Upside


$88K+/Year At Top Sales Org


7 Weeks

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Break into tech sales & build a $100K+ career from scratch, regardless of your previous knowledge or experience.
Become a top performing SDR & get promoted into a $150-$200K+ AE job by leveraging proven systems.

It's awesome to know that you can invest in yourself and make a crazy transformation like me to a company like Snowflake with this training. Thanks for changing my life.

It's awesome to know that you can invest in yourself and make a crazy transformation like me to a company like Snowflake with this training. Thanks for changing my life.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

What made you join SDR Accelerator?

What made you join AE Mastery?

What made you join Cold Call Mastery?

I've always wanted to be in Tech but always thought it was something pretty distant to me, so when I started seeing all the success stories pop up on YouTube of other people breaking in without that technical background, I thought I might actually have a chance at this. I was on the fence for a while, but after the 10th or so video that popped up on my feed about someone breaking in and crushing it, I pulled the trigger.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

The most valuable part was having direct access to top performers. I felt like I always knew what to do next and everyone was kind, energetic, and made me wholeheartedly believe I could do this with ease every step of the way. It was very empowering, and the fact that the training was working effortlessly to help me land interviews really made me trust in the coaching and guidance. Aside from that, I particularly think the vetting portion was important. I was ready to join any company, but you guys really helped me avoid making critical mistakes by choosing a wrong company.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

What advice do you have for someone considering SDR Accelerator?

What advice do you have for someone considering AE Mastery?

What advice do you have for someone considering Cold Call Mastery?

There's a lot of things you don't know about the space or the terminology. If you're serious about breaking in and changing your life, invest a few hundred dollars in yourself and take a chance on yourself. The risk:reward ratio is little to none and I'm a living testament to the fact that you can see some serious returns on your investment. I'd also say - make sure to fully commit. Applying and interviewing isn't hard when you put in the work, but it also most certainly isn't an easy task either! It takes a lot of effort to show up prepared and have your stuff together.

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