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02d: 17h:06m
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$96K / Year


6 Weeks

Ready To Level Up?

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Break into tech sales & build a $100K+ career from scratch, regardless of your previous knowledge or experience.
Become a top performing SDR & get promoted into a $150-$200K+ AE job by leveraging proven systems.

Higher Levels was so much more than I expected... There's a ton of active top performers inside who are willing to refer you to top companies, give you advice, and share how they found success as well. Nothing even comes close to the community they've built.

Higher Levels was so much more than I expected... There's a ton of active top performers inside who are willing to refer you to top companies, give you advice, and share how they found success as well. Nothing even comes close to the community they've built.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

I'd been watching your content for probably about up to a year going into it before I graduated and it was clear to me that you guys were frontline experts who knew what you were talking about. After seeing how many people were finding success, I knew it'd be a great decision.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

The training was awesome, and obviously got the job done in a crazy fast amount of time... but the real reason why I think people should join Higher Levels is honestly the networking aspect of it too. I met some of the coolest people inside, and several people had already broken into top organizations and were able/willing to actually provide guidance from their perspective as well.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

Anybody can do this so long as they put in the work. If a student with no experience can break into the world's #1 tech sales organization, so can you. Commit to the process, go the extra mile, and you have every opportunity to be successful with a program like Higher Levels.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

I'd been watching your content for probably about up to a year going into it before I graduated and it was clear to me that you guys were frontline experts who knew what you were talking about. After seeing how many people were finding success, I knew it'd be a great decision.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

The training was awesome, and obviously got the job done in a crazy fast amount of time... but the real reason why I think people should join Higher Levels is honestly the networking aspect of it too. I met some of the coolest people inside, and several people had already broken into top organizations and were able/willing to actually provide guidance from their perspective as well.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

Anybody can do this so long as they put in the work. If a student with no experience can break into the world's #1 tech sales organization, so can you. Commit to the process, go the extra mile, and you have every opportunity to be successful with a program like Higher Levels.

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We’ve helped hundreds of top performing tech sales professionals.

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Ready To Level Up?

Not sure if tech sales is right for you? Take our free mini-tech sales course to understand more about the industry, the career path, and tips on how to break in!

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