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02d: 17h:06m
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Real Estate


$80K/Year At Top Tech Sales Org


5 Weeks

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Break into tech sales & build a $100K+ career from scratch, regardless of your previous knowledge or experience.
Become a top performing SDR & get promoted into a $150-$200K+ AE job by leveraging proven systems.

The templates and resume templates were a game changer. And the best part of it all was the weekly live coaching where I could bring my iteration and get direct feedback from the team. What an awesome experience.

The templates and resume templates were a game changer. And the best part of it all was the weekly live coaching where I could bring my iteration and get direct feedback from the team. What an awesome experience.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

I didn't see the career growth opportunities in real estate and had a ceiling to my earnings. I found out about Tech Sales through the YouTube page and knew this was the premier career and program to tap into.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

The templates and resume templates and the coaching aspect. Everything was so well put together and it was the perfect combination of coaching and training I needed. I used the templates to make my own version of it, whereafter I brought it to the live calls for affirmation from you guys. It was awesome.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

Be a student of tech sales and get creative with how you spend your time. Truly immerse yourself and utilize the resources around you. I highly recommend Higher Levels. It was a fun and awesome experience and would do it over again.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

I didn't see the career growth opportunities in real estate and had a ceiling to my earnings. I found out about Tech Sales through the YouTube page and knew this was the premier career and program to tap into.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

The templates and resume templates and the coaching aspect. Everything was so well put together and it was the perfect combination of coaching and training I needed. I used the templates to make my own version of it, whereafter I brought it to the live calls for affirmation from you guys. It was awesome.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

Be a student of tech sales and get creative with how you spend your time. Truly immerse yourself and utilize the resources around you. I highly recommend Higher Levels. It was a fun and awesome experience and would do it over again.

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Ready To Level Up?

Not sure if tech sales is right for you? Take our free mini-tech sales course to understand more about the industry, the career path, and tips on how to break in!

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