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02d: 17h:06m
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$70K+/Year In Tech Sales


6 Weeks

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Break into tech sales & build a $100K+ career from scratch, regardless of your previous knowledge or experience.
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Every single part of the program was great. Higher Levels really hit the nail on its head in all areas. Super targeted, no time-wasting, and just training that works from the get-go. Highly recommend.

Every single part of the program was great. Higher Levels really hit the nail on its head in all areas. Super targeted, no time-wasting, and just training that works from the get-go. Highly recommend.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

I was getting burnt out in my past job and ended up taking a bit of a career break, moving back home, and was really trying to think of what I wanted to do next. Tech Sales seemed to tick all the boxes and after watching enough of Higher Levels' content, I knew it was the right choice for me. Super happy I committed.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

Honestly, not to sound cliché, but every part of the program was awesome. It was very well put together, super targeted, no time-wasting, and it all just worked. The resume part in particular was awesome because it allowed me to move past what I thought would be a big hurdle very quickly.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

Trust the process. I got very discouraged at one point, but kept following the steps outlined and ended up with several offers. I thought was Higher Levels was a great experience over all.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

I was getting burnt out in my past job and ended up taking a bit of a career break, moving back home, and was really trying to think of what I wanted to do next. Tech Sales seemed to tick all the boxes and after watching enough of Higher Levels' content, I knew it was the right choice for me. Super happy I committed.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

Honestly, not to sound cliché, but every part of the program was awesome. It was very well put together, super targeted, no time-wasting, and it all just worked. The resume part in particular was awesome because it allowed me to move past what I thought would be a big hurdle very quickly.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

Trust the process. I got very discouraged at one point, but kept following the steps outlined and ended up with several offers. I thought was Higher Levels was a great experience over all.

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Not sure if tech sales is right for you? Take our free mini-tech sales course to understand more about the industry, the career path, and tips on how to break in!

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