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8 Weeks

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The value of the course is unreal. Without a doubt the best decision I've ever made.

The value of the course is unreal. Without a doubt the best decision I've ever made.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

I wanted a foundation because I didn't really have too much knowledge beforehand going into it. I started looking around on YouTube and that's how I found Higher Levels. I thought: if the free stuff is this good, I assume the paid course will be even better, and I couldn't have been more right.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

The cold calling section. Everything was laid out in a very simple way and it all of a sudden made something I was pretty worried about, turn into something that was easily applicable and actually worked from the get-go. I'd also go as far as saying it changed me as a person as well. It made me more comfortable with having tough conversations and acing that part of the interview process.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

Just commit if you're on the fence. If you can invest in training, great, but I think so many people sit around waiting only to end up doing it 8-10 months later. I realized very quickly that I could have gotten started much sooner and been in a much better position had I just jumped into it. And Higher Levels is insane value. Highly recommend.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

I wanted a foundation because I didn't really have too much knowledge beforehand going into it. I started looking around on YouTube and that's how I found Higher Levels. I thought: if the free stuff is this good, I assume the paid course will be even better, and I couldn't have been more right.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

The cold calling section. Everything was laid out in a very simple way and it all of a sudden made something I was pretty worried about, turn into something that was easily applicable and actually worked from the get-go. I'd also go as far as saying it changed me as a person as well. It made me more comfortable with having tough conversations and acing that part of the interview process.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

Just commit if you're on the fence. If you can invest in training, great, but I think so many people sit around waiting only to end up doing it 8-10 months later. I realized very quickly that I could have gotten started much sooner and been in a much better position had I just jumped into it. And Higher Levels is insane value. Highly recommend.

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Not sure if tech sales is right for you? Take our free mini-tech sales course to understand more about the industry, the career path, and tips on how to break in!

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