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02d: 17h:06m
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02d: 17h:06m
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02d: 17h:06m
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02d: 17h:06m
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Small Boutique Marketing Firm


$80K+/Year At HubSpot


8 Weeks

Ready To Level Up?

Ready To Break In?

Ready To Level Up'?

Ready To Level Up'?

Break into tech sales & build a $100K+ career from scratch, regardless of your previous knowledge or experience.
Become a top performing SDR & get promoted into a $150-$200K+ AE job by leveraging proven systems.
Scale your AE career to new levels by setting a new standard of excellence at your company & becoming #1.
Master cold calling. Turn your cold calls into your main pipeline generator.

There's nothing else like it. Once I started following the program, I was landing 50%+ interviews from my applications. Thank you guys for changing my life and I highly recommend it to anybody else out there wanting to break in.

There's nothing else like it. Once I started following the program, I was landing 50%+ interviews from my applications. Thank you guys for changing my life and I highly recommend it to anybody else out there wanting to break in.

There's nothing else like it. Once I started following the program, I was landing 50%+ interviews from my applications. Thank you guys for changing my life and I highly recommend it to anybody else out there wanting to break in.

There's nothing else like it. Once I started following the program, I was landing 50%+ interviews from my applications. Thank you guys for changing my life and I highly recommend it to anybody else out there wanting to break in.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

What made you join SDR Accelerator?

What made you join AE Mastery?

What made you join Cold Call Mastery?

I tried two months on my own and realized I was putting in a lot of time and energy and just realized I wasn't getting the result I was wanting. I was landing a few interviews here and there, but I was clearly missing the important pieces. So one day I just decided to look myself in the mirror and say, look, if you're wanting to take that next step, then it's time to get the blueprint and proven steps from somebody who had already done it. That's when I decided to start looking and Higher Levels was all over it - it clearly stood out to me as the most legitimate program.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

When I compare what I was doing before and after the program, the most valuable part was the live calls. Sure, you can put together all the things through the content, but where it really starts shining is the personalized live Q&A calls. Why spend two hours figuring out a question and doing all this legwork, when you can just jump on the live call, get your question answered from somebody who knows the exact answer, and just move on confidently. Once I started just following the course outline, I ended up landing 7 interviews out of 15 applications. That was an extremely remarkable transformation compared to prior. The live calls are truly priceless. Highly recommend.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

What advice do you have for someone considering SDR Accelerator?

What advice do you have for someone considering AE Mastery?

What advice do you have for someone considering Cold Call Mastery?

If you're considering doing this using free content, just forget about it. I tried doing that, and looking back today, I realized how much of a waste of my time that was. If you get to your desired outcome even a week quicker, the program will pay for itself. I look at this as an investment, and it sure turned out to be an incredible one. If it wasn't for Higher Levels, I wouldn't be here today working at one of the world's best companies. Thank you guys for changing my life and highly recommend it to anybody else out there looking.

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